Names of Current Research

The following is a list of my maternal family ancestry names, following this is a list of local surnames that are linked to our family ancestry and our names that form part of our ancestral research:-

            Mother:-                                                    Dorey
Grandparent’s maternal line: -        Dorey - Freeman
Great Grandparents:-           Dorey - Ellis & Gape - Freeman

Cheney, Freeman, Gape, Hallett, Hampson, Harding, Hardy, Hitchcock,    Hounsell, Laver, Liddiatt, Northover, Pitman & Snelgrove.

Is your name one of these, or do you have a relative with one of these names?
Do you have you have a family tree? If so why not share it, and see if we can build a bigger tree.

Our main localities at this time:-

Puncknowle, Swyre, Eype, Abbotsbury, Burton Bradstock, Symondsbury, West Bay, Bridport, Bradpole, Little Bredy and Portesham.

We hope these lists will grow as our research grows,

Swyre Puncknowle, The Bride Valley
Ancestral Research Web Site